Prof. Dr. Christopher Wright
Christopher Wright teaches visual anthropology practice and theory in the Anthropology Department at Goldsmiths, University of London. He is the author of The Echo of Things: The Lives of Photographs in the Solomon Islands (Durham, NC: Duke University Press 2013), and co-editor – with Arnd Schneider – of three books about anthropology and contemporary art, most recently Anthropology and Art Practice (London: Bloomsbury 2013).
He originally trained as an artist before working in commercial documentary filmmaking and then anthropology. In 2003 he co-organised Fieldworks: dialogues between art and anthropology, a major 3-day international conference at Tate Modern, London with Arnd Schneider. In 2007 he was co-organiser of Beyond Text? Synaesthetic and Sensory Practices in Anthropology, a 3-day conference at the University of Manchester, exploring the implications of the ‘sensory turn’ for visual anthropology. He is currently about to begin a major research project on the use of digital media by First Nation artists and communities in British Columbia, Canada, and on the impact of new media technologies on youth in Ladakh, Himalayas, northern India, as well as the effects of new digital photography practices on youth in the UK.