Boris Mitic
Boris Mitić lived on a few continents, worked for few years for a few global media, understood a few things and dedicated the rest of his life to creative parenting, creative football and creative documentaries: a Gypsy Mad Max recycling saga, a claustrophobic tragicomedy of the absurd, a satirical documentary fairy tale, a feelgood parable about Nothing, a one-shot timburtonesque elegy of childhood.
His films range from no budget to megalomaniac productions with global celebrities. They were shown on 20+ TV channels and over 300 festivals around the world, with translations in 38 languages, incl. Esperanto & Latin. Boris has no film background, but he lectures and mentors on atypical documentary filmmaking worldwide, through his unique blend of caricatures, infographics and realpolitik.
Outlets include IDFA, EAVE, Sunny Side of the Doc, CPH:DOX, DocEdge Kolkata, Dhaka Film Lab, Shanghai Institute for Visual Arts, Doc Nomads, Silverdocs, Docudays Beirut, Doc at Work Firenze, New Film School Moscow, Sheffield Doc Fest, Scottish Documentary Institute, Institute of Contemporary Arts London, Qumra Doha, Sarajevo Talent Campus, Balkan Documentary Center, Baltic Film and Media School, universities of Bergen, Toulouse, Riga, Tallinn, Kiev, St. Louis, Taipei, Edinburgh, Montreal, Bratislava…
He also plays blitz-chess for money, which he then spends on breakfast.